About the Niamey, Niger Project

Niger is located in West Africa and 80 percent of its land is in the Sahara Desert. Most of the country is desert plains and sand dunes, droughts are frequent. The climate is one of the hottest in the world. Its estimated population of 11 million are 98% Muslim. Niger is ranked 172 out of 173 countries in the United Nations Developemnt Program's Human Development index, and only 13.6% of its population is literate (6.6% of women). The Reformed Church in America partners with the Evangelical Church of Niger. Their focus in the region is to help with community development, theological training, literacy, medicine, and agriculture. The Mission project for this winter is to build a guest house to assist the Evangelical church's programs. It will give them a facility to house people who come in from the countryside for training in evangelism, leadership and other minstry skills. Bruce and Laurie Hawley are the missionaries responsible for the project and will be working closely with Kay and Sue. More information is available on the Reformed Church website at http://www.rca.org/.

Kay and Sue will be in Niamey from January 26, 2009- February 10, 2009.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Swimming in the Suez Canal (well, not literally!)

With temperatures soaring to above 100 degrees, Sue decided to take a break from digging by falling backwards into the now five foot deep hole. Of course she placed the blame on me! Because of my singing. I was trying to teach the three African boys working with us how to sing "Praise Him" with hand motions. The good news is that she is okay. The better new is that it provided comic relief. The best news is that it wasn't me that fell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Last night we attended what we felt was a World Summit on Islamic and Christian Religions. Dr. Otto (a University of Niamey Professor and a converted Christian) and his wife, five Boston University students doing their semester abroad and Chacko joined us for a meal and lecture/dialogue. It is to heavy and deep to go into details. It was given in French and translated in English. Although I think that we missed much of the message through translation, some of the highlights were: Niger is an open society that Muslims and Christians can live side by side but it still does not take away the discrimination that Christians live with everyday. Madame Otto shared that she has learned not to be a fool for her faith but demand respect for her beliefs. Life is hard here on so many levels.

On a much different note, Dave asked where the air conditioner was in the bedroom. They are mounted in the wall, but unfortunately it is not hot enough to run them. (editor Scott's note: 100 degrees isn't hot enough???)

Again, thanks for your prayers... Kay


  1. Kay and Sue,

    We got snow on Tuesday. As I drove to work on Wednesday, it was beatiful; the snow was just covering the tree branches and the whole world was silver and white. It was 13 degrees as oppeosed to 113!

    At Bible Study last night, we lifted you two, your coworkers, and your mission up in our prayers. We can't send you any of cool weather but we do send our love!


  2. Anonymous2/06/2009

    Hi Kay and Sue,

    You are in my daily (actually hourly!) thoughts and prayers. You probably don't have much time to keep journals, but I hope you are able to write down some of your amazing experiences. Can't wait to hear about everything in more detail.


  3. Anonymous2/06/2009

    Sue & Kay:

    Thinking of you both and anxiously wait each day for the next installment of your adventure. It has been fascinating and I go from being envious of your experience to glad I am here reading about it. Looking forward to seeing you both and hearing the stories in person. Sue - glad you are ok!!!!
    Debbie B
