About the Niamey, Niger Project

Niger is located in West Africa and 80 percent of its land is in the Sahara Desert. Most of the country is desert plains and sand dunes, droughts are frequent. The climate is one of the hottest in the world. Its estimated population of 11 million are 98% Muslim. Niger is ranked 172 out of 173 countries in the United Nations Developemnt Program's Human Development index, and only 13.6% of its population is literate (6.6% of women). The Reformed Church in America partners with the Evangelical Church of Niger. Their focus in the region is to help with community development, theological training, literacy, medicine, and agriculture. The Mission project for this winter is to build a guest house to assist the Evangelical church's programs. It will give them a facility to house people who come in from the countryside for training in evangelism, leadership and other minstry skills. Bruce and Laurie Hawley are the missionaries responsible for the project and will be working closely with Kay and Sue. More information is available on the Reformed Church website at http://www.rca.org/.

Kay and Sue will be in Niamey from January 26, 2009- February 10, 2009.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Fruit of the Spirit Devotion- Day 5

Day Five- Patience: Training toward perseverance.
- Patience is what enabled the snail to reach the ark.
- Read Psalm 40:1-3. What four benefits did David receive from waiting?
- What makes us so impatient? What is the most difficult part of being patient, and when is it the hardest?
- It is estimated that there were 45,000 animals on the ark and Noah and his family lived on the ark 1 year, 1 month, and 27 days.
- Why did God make Joshua walk around Jericho three times before he brought the walls down?
- Why did the disciples have to wait three days for the resurrection?
- Why does God make us wait? Read Peter 3:4-9. God is using his time to cultivate trust. Being patient is trusting that God has a plan and will work it out for our benefit. When you become impatient, remember God might be using you to help grow his kingdom. Read Second Peter 3:15.
- So what does patience in God’s eyes look like? Read Romans 5:3-5, 8:22-25 and First Thessalonians 1:3. Where in your life is God making you wait? What are you waiting for? Or who is God calling you to have loving patience with? Are you willing to trust God to work all things together for good in your life?
- Are you ready to hope?

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