-What is self-control? Read Romans 8:1-17. What really has control over our lives? Read Romans 7:14-25. How often do you feel like Paul, not doing the things that you want to do, but doing those things you don't. How can we gain control of our lives?
-Self-control is not about you at all, but about giving control of ones heart and thoughts to the Holy Spirit. The more we yield control of our lives to God, the more self-control will grow in us; helping us to live by the Spirit producing good fruit. What do we get when we give control to God? We become co-heirs with Christ(Romans 8:15-17a). Can you think of someone who is truly good? What makes them that way? The Bible talks a lot about goodness and evil, light vs. darkness, good fruit vs. bad fruit, the right path vs. the wrong. Read Luke 6:43-45, Matthew 7:15-29. What do these passages say about goodness? Is it possible for a good tree to bear occasionally bad fruit? Can we hope to ever be good? Read Romans 5:5, Psalm 37. The Bible links goodness and light, why? Because light chases away darkness. Read John 1:1-5. In Psalm 37, it says that your righteousness will shine like the dawn. Read Matthew 5:14-16, Philippians 2:14-16. You are the light of the world and the more brightly you shine the easier it is for others to find their way.
Each year as I drive home from our Christmas Eve service, I always search the sky for the Star of Bethlehem. It is a reminder to me to always be searching just as the wise men did long ago, but this year I realized that until Jesus returns we are to be that Star. We need to shine more brightly so that others will see. Light chases away darkness, goodness overcomes evil and love abides forever. Go and bear fruit- GOOD FRUIT!!
May your life become an abundant harvest.
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