About the Niamey, Niger Project

Niger is located in West Africa and 80 percent of its land is in the Sahara Desert. Most of the country is desert plains and sand dunes, droughts are frequent. The climate is one of the hottest in the world. Its estimated population of 11 million are 98% Muslim. Niger is ranked 172 out of 173 countries in the United Nations Developemnt Program's Human Development index, and only 13.6% of its population is literate (6.6% of women). The Reformed Church in America partners with the Evangelical Church of Niger. Their focus in the region is to help with community development, theological training, literacy, medicine, and agriculture. The Mission project for this winter is to build a guest house to assist the Evangelical church's programs. It will give them a facility to house people who come in from the countryside for training in evangelism, leadership and other minstry skills. Bruce and Laurie Hawley are the missionaries responsible for the project and will be working closely with Kay and Sue. More information is available on the Reformed Church website at http://www.rca.org/.

Kay and Sue will be in Niamey from January 26, 2009- February 10, 2009.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Fruit of the Spirit- Day 3

- sorry this took so long everyone, the internet was down.

Day Three- Joy: Jesus Overflowing you You.
-If you were to list all the days of your life that were truly joyful, how many would that be?  Joy is something we associate with happy times in our lives buy joy is more than happy feelings.  A good way to remember what joy really is, is this: true joy is Jesus overflowing in you.  We seek joy in wealth possessions, our work, vacations, and family.  This idea of joy is better described as happiness, a word which has its root in- hap, meaning chance, as in happenstance.  The joy the Bible speaks of is the joy of the Lord.  Joy is not here today and gone tomorrow, it is a rock solid gift from God that does not depend on circumstances.
-Where does joy come from? Read First Peter 1:3-9.
-What is the source of pure joy?  Read John 15:9-11.
-Is being joyful always easy?  REad Philippians 4:4.
-Does joy in your life depend on circumstances?  Joy as a Fruit of the Spirit depends on your soul.  You can be sad but still understand the joy of the Lord within you.  Remember God's promise in Romans 8:28.  "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose".
-True joy is only found in God and is not dependent on circumstances.  What things might you do to help your joy grow?  Ask the Holy Spirit to give you a glimpse of the reality of joy and a desire to have such joy always no matter what.

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